season 2024/25

new season

“Art, good art, wonderfully manages to combine the absolutely unique with the universal. It allows us to understand what is different – what is foreign, one might say – as universal. In doing so, art transcends the boundaries between languages, geographic regions, and countries, bringing together not only the individual qualities of each, but also, in another sense, the individual characteristics of every group of people, such as every nation. (…) War and art are opposites, just as war and peace are. It is simply so. Art is peace.”
Jon Fosse, from the Message for World Theatre Day 2024

The title of the Teatro Stabile di Torino’s 2024/2025 Season, Atto unico, is inspired by this message from the Norwegian author, awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2023. It aims to express, in resonance with Fosse, the necessity and urgency of prioritizing diversity and differences, making them coexist in a single space.


English Garden | Teatro Carignano
18 June – 14 July 2024

Romeo & Juliet | After Juliet

A diptych centered on one of the most famous love stories of all time: the actors graduated from the Teatro Stabile di Torino School, directed by Filippo Dini, are the performers of Shakespeare’s tragedy that best expresses the clash between generations unable to understand each other, and its ideal sequel written by Sharman Macdonald

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Robin Hood | Teatro Carignano
21 June – 7 July 2024

Returning for the summer of 2024 is the event for children that debuted earlier this year in the enchanting historic setting of Teatro Carignano: Robin Hood, a show dedicated to the skillful archer of Sherwood Forest. On stage from June 21 to July 7, 2024

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Digital Archive

Acting School – 2024/27
Three-Year Program

The new announcement for participating in the selection process for the class of the 2024/27 three-year program is now available online. Download the document and discover all the details. Preliminary selection from May 23 to June 30, 2024.

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The Centro Studi of the TST participates in Archivissima

This year again, the Centro Studi of the Teatro Stabile di Torino takes part in ARCHIVISSIMA. The Festival and The Night of the Archives. A grand and anticipated celebration for all archives, a unique path of valorization and promotion of archives in Italy and Europe, with over 450 participating entities and around 180 in-person events throughout the region, an entirely live schedule in Turin, and hundreds of new digital contents. From June 6 to 9, the TST spaces will host CORPUS – FARE MEMORIA. Guided tours of the Centro Studi of the Teatro Stabile di Torino.”

free entry

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President Alessandro Bianchi
Director Filippo Fonsatti
Artistic Director Valerio Binasco
Resident Director Leonardo Lidi
Associated Artist Kriszta Székely, Liv Ferracchiati, Silvia Gribaudi
Artistic Director Torinodanza Anna Cremonini


In autunno la danza contemporanea invade le vie della città, dando vita a Torinodanza festival, kermesse che ha trasformato Torino in uno dei cuori pulsanti di questa forma d’arte, sia a livello nazionale sia internazionale. www.torinodanzafestival.it

Torino,  in collaboration with Fondazione per la Cultura Torino, which aims to bring culture close to your home, wherever you live, to create new opportunities for relationships, sharing, aggregation and engagement in neighborhood homes, libraries and public spaces. www.laculturadietrolangolo.it

Big Pulse Dance Alliance is a cooperation project between festivals and European institutions united by a common purpose and united by the idea that dance represents a privileged ground for sharing stories, Artistic creations and experiences that connect individuals and communities, Big Pulse is dedicated to strengthening and expanding the scope of contemporary dance. www.bigpulsedance.eu

150 years after the birth of the Sicilian author, the Teatro Stabile di Torino and Linguadoc have created a multimedia journey that explores the roots of his connection with Turin and Piedmont, intertwining the threads of geographic memory with those of the theatrical history of our country. 150pirandelloinpiemonte.it

Argo. Materials for a Hypothesis of the Future was initiated by the Teatro Stabile di Torino out of a civic responsibility and a moral duty to engage and support the city’s theatrical community with an original and shared project. In collaboration with Scuola Holden and with the support of the Fondazione CRT and the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, 63 participants were involved. These participants came from both the pool of Turin’s theatrical entities not funded by the state and from independent artists (actors and directors). Divided into seven groups, they worked on seven themes, supported by seven editor-facilitators, who will develop and synthesize ideas and content. teatrostabiletorino.it/argo/

News (ita version)

100 Anni di radio. 1924-2024

7 / 06 / 2024|news|

La serata, a cura di Giulio Graglia, è un omaggio alla radio e al teatro di prosa trasmesso via etere, ai grandi interpreti che hanno prestato le loro voci per dare vita a radiodrammi, sceneggiati radiofonici e adattamenti di pièce teatrali. Vengono ricordati gli spettacoli prodotti dal Teatro Stabile di Torino e trasposti per la radio, con il prezioso e insostituibile apporto del Centro Studi del TST.

Addio a Franca Nuti

13 / 05 / 2024|news|

Ci ha lasciato una grande interprete del teatro italiano, Franca Nuti. Nata nel 1929 a Torino, milanese di adozione, moglie di Giancarlo Dettori, Nuti ha attraversato il Novecento con talento [...]

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