Copenhagen is an internationally acclaimed cult play with outstanding acting by Umberto Orsini, Giuliana Lojodice and Massimo Popolizio. Mauro Avogadro directs this highly successful text about the ethical limits of scientific research and based on the historical and mysterious meeting, during the Nazi period, between scientists Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.
20 nov – 2 dic 2018silvia2018-11-19T17:48:56+00:00
20 nov – 2 dic 2018silvia2018-11-19T17:48:56+00:00
by Michael Frayn
Codice spettacolo 16
durata spettacolo
1h e 45 min
orario spettacoli
20 nov / mar ore 19.30
21 nov / mer ore 20.45
22 nov / gio ore 19.30
23 nov / ven ore 20.45
24 nov / sab ore 19.30
25 nov / dom ore 15.30
27 nov / mar ore 19.30
28 nov / mer ore 20.45
29 nov / gio ore 19.30
30 nov / ven ore 20.45
1 dic / sab ore 19.30
2 dic / dom ore 15.30