Victor Hugo’s epic novel is dedicated to the dispossessed and their eternal struggle for survival. The saga of Jean Valjean, the redeemed convict, of little Cosette and Javert, the evil police inspector, has been a bestseller since 1862. Here it finds new life on stage with Franco Branciaroli, in this touching adaptation by author Luca Doninelli.
Les Misérables
22 – 27 jan 2019silvia2019-02-18T19:13:51+00:00
22 – 27 jan 2019silvia2019-02-18T19:13:51+00:00
by Victor Hugo
Codice spettacolo 18
durata spettacolo
2h e 40 min
+ intervallo
orario spettacoli
22 gen / mar ore 19.30
23 gen / mer ore 20.45
24 gen / gio ore 19.30
25 gen / ven ore 20.45
26 gen / sab ore 19.30
27 gen / dom ore 15.30