This joint tribute to Romeo Castellucci, one of the great protagonists of the international theatre scene and famous for his works that combine different languages, has been organised by the Teatro Stabile di Torino Teatro Nazionale, the Festival delle Colline Torinesi/Fondazione TPE and the Fondazione Merz. Together, they will explore the complexity of the creative universes of this artist, the founder and leader of Societas. Furthering his reflection on imposed and compulsory communication, the violence of which is on a par with claims of equality, Il Terzo Reich (The Third Reich) is an installation consisting of the representation of all the nouns of the Italian dictionary, projected one after the other. The frenzied and liminal succession of words causes some of them to remain imprinted in the visual cortex of each spectator, while others – by far the majority – will remain unnoticed. Subjected to this process, viewers experience the human word as a quantity. The sound accompaniment to the installation has been composed by Scott Gibbons. With Gloria Dorliguzzo.

The installation features loud audio and high-frequency images which are not recommended for those suffering from epilepsy, heart disease and photosensitive people.
Installation is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

by Romeo Castellucci
sound Scott Gibbons
choreographer and performer Gloria Dorliguzzo

fuori abbonamento
posto unico € 15,00 – ridotto abbonati e under30 € 10,00