Valerio Binasco is the acknowledged leading Italian performer of Jon Fosse’s work. He has always been fascinated by the reflective poetry that imbues all his plays and by the almost Proustian relationship that the Norwegian master’s work traces between past and present. Pamela Villoresi shares the stage with Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Michele Di Mauro, Giordana Faggiano and Binasco himself, describing a story centred on a middle-aged woman intent on painting a portrait of a girl sitting on a sofa. She is grappling with doubts about her artistic skills and an image that haunts her: the young woman curled up on the sofa is a snapshot of herself as a young woman, wracked by many uncertainties. Binasco explores with great mastery how childhood psychological wounds never entirely heal.

by Jon Fosse
direction Valerio Binasco
Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale, Teatro Biondo Palermo
under arrangement with Arcadia & Ricono Ltd courtesy of Colombine Teaterförlag