Antonio Tarantino (1938 – 2020), both polished and fierce, ranks as one of the most influential and original voices of Italian dramaturgy in the last thirty years; Licia Lanera – who won the 2022 Premio Ubu for directing – joined forces with Corpo del Reato to present Love me, a multi-layered production that combines excerpts from the author’s Medea with La scena, an unpublished text. A whirlwind of a performance that stages foreigners, outcasts and all sorts of marginalised people: a cutting kaleidoscope of disparaged and defeated lives that succeeds in reflecting the eternal and unresolved struggle between the needy and the powerful.

by Antonio Tarantino
direction Licia Lanera
Compagnia Licia Lanera, Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale