After confronting the cruelty of Richard III, Kriszta Székely, the talented Hungarian director and associate artist of the Stabile di Torino, comes to grips with another great Shakespearean “villain”. Treacherous Iago is the real driving force behind Othello, and so is his ability to manipulate a murky world where everything depends on how one presents it. Iago knows how to seize upon the chinks lurking in the hearts of lovers or friends’ feelings and succeeds in driving everyone over a precipice with a simple lie. He builds and dominates through insecurity, fear and prejudice as he presents himself as an honest man in his manipulative universe or, even worse, as a neutral one.

by William Shakespeare
with Barna Bányai Kelemen, Vivien Rujder, Lehel Kovács
Alexandra Borbély, Dávid Vizi, Ferenc Elek, Péter Takátsy
Vilmos Vajdai, Benjámin Lengyel, Kata Kanyó
direction Kriszta Székely
scene Nelli Pallós
costumes Juli Szlávik
dramaturgy Ármin Szabó-Székely
music Flóra Lili Matisz
Katona József Színház
Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale

Performance in Hungarian with Italian surtitles