This diptych centres on one of the most celebrated love stories ever. The actors are all Scuola del Teatro Stabile di Torino graduates, directed by Filippo Dini. They will perform the Shakespearean tragedy that best captures the clash between generations that cannot understand each other and how difficult it is for the younger generation to carve a place for itself in a society that seems to reject them. The cast of the two plays (in alphabetical order) includes: Alessandro Ambrosi, Francesco Bottin, Cecilia Bramati, Ilaria Campani, Maria Teresa Castello, Hana Daneri, Alice Fazzi, Matteo Federici, Iacopo Ferro, Samuele Finocchiaro, Christian Gaglione, Sara Gedeone, Francesco Halupca, Martina Montini, Greta Petronillo, Diego Pleuteri, Emma Francesca Savoldi, Andrea Tartaglia, Nicolò Tomassini and Maria Trenta.


The tale of stymied love that leads to the death of two innocent lovers is a compelling theme for any audience, anywhere, in any era. Who better than William Shakespeare knew how to give voice and substance to this narrative featuring the two Veronese adolescents, Romeo and Juliet, whose families are torn apart by hatred so deep that insurmountable antagonism will lead the two young people to death? One of theatre’s most iconic stories comes to the Teatro Carignano.
by William Shakespeare, direction Filippo Dini
Teatro Stabile Torino – Teatro Nazionale
prima nazionale


What becomes of the Montagues and Capulets after the death of their two children, Romeo and Juliet? Benvolio, Romeo’s best friend, loves Juliet’s cousin, Rosalina, but Rosalina is out for revenge. The story opens where Shakespeare’s play ends, and, with visionary intensity and flashes of black humour, it describes events set in a city ridden by endless strife and hatred.
by Sharman Macdonald, direction Filippo Dini
Teatro Stabile Torino – Teatro Nazionale
national premiere

Season Ticket

€ 26,00 box office and online* (also valid for 2 entries) -> Buy