To the accompaniment of jazz improvisations by Paolo Jannacci and Daniele Moretto, Stefano Massini guides us in discovering the power of narration. For the Tuscan writer, storytelling has always been like prospecting for gold. Amidst an intensely challenging daily existence, his is a endless and ever-surprising journey of discovery, nurtured by the most outstanding pages of European literature and the hidden folds of history. While seated in the stalls, audiences have the opportunity to discover an authentic storytelling workshop. Here, the ancient journey of evocation takes shape: the system of metaphors and citations that Borges called enchantment, magic, and the amazing anatomy of reality.

written and directed by Stefano Massini
and with Paolo Jannacci (piano)
Daniele Moretto (trumpet and flugelhorn)
Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa
in collaboration with Bubba Music