A Sentimental Score for LibrariesLucia Calamaro has explored human beings in their most hidden and distressing folds in her prolific, desecrating, romantic style. The title’s human types are seven people in a library, where books and tables become a safe and comforting environment and a setting for quarrels and violence, reflecting a varied and often desperate humanity, both troubled and happy. A setting in which the authors of the books being consulted (Joyce, Pirandello, St. Theresa, Molière, Plath) occasionally put on an appearance. With Riccardo Goretti, Simona Senzacqua, Lorenzo Maragoni, Cristiano Moioli, and Cristiano Parolin.

written and directed by Lucia Calamaro
Teatro Stabile del Veneto – Teatro Nazionale
with the collaboration of the University of Padua