Written by Eduardo De Filippo in 1922,  Man and Gentleman (Uomo e galantuomo) is the story of a ramshackle troupe of guitti (actors) who are commissioned to perform at a bathing establishment. They are supposed to rehearse the show, but they do all they can think of except perform their scenes, worrying as they do about getting their daily meal and attending to their matters. Geppy Gleijeses dominates the play and its flawless comic devices. He portrays Gennaro, the head comedian, flanked by Lorenzo Gleijeses, Ernesto Mahieux, and the rest of the cast, including Antonella Cioli, Ciro Capano, Gino Curcione and Roberta Lucca.

by Eduardo De Filippo
direction Armando Pugliese
Gitiesse Artisti Riuniti